
e.g. Template, Bootstrap, WordPress theme

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The dark ages of web design

The very beginning of web design was pretty dark, as screens were literally black amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.


Tables – The beginning

The birth of browsers that could display images was the first step into web design as we know it. Amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.


JavaScript comes to the rescue

JavaScript was the answer to the limitations of HTML. A consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.



Around the same time as Flash, a better approach to structuring design from a technical standpoint was born – Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.


Responsive web design

A brilliant guy named Ethan Marcotte decided to challenge adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.


The bright future

The holy grail of web design has been consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, nostrum maxime. Officiis, voluptate, eius, facere illum libero magni quasi reprehenderit illo tempore voluptatem animi perferendis aspernatur tempora quo sunt cupiditate.

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